"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Steps

            Have you ever walked down a path that you really felt God had put before you and felt a wonderful all-encompassing peace that can only come from God?  Maybe He even gives you a glimpse of encouragement to show you that you are on the right path!  And then all of a sudden…..WHAM!  You feel like you walked into something like this?

What did it make you do?  Did it make you stop and re-evaluate?  Question what you were called to do?  Give up and go in the other direction? Or did you stop and wait?

We see this brick wall as impossible!  
But God can change it into something else!

A new path, a new direction, and even more beautiful than before!

          Our adoption journey had seemed to hit a brick wall a few months ago.  We were given all sorts of options and at times it became overwhelming.  I felt at times like I was up against this brick wall and I could not see the path ahead anymore.  We decided to stand still, wait and have confidence in where He had led us already.
          Tomorrow our completed dossier will be mailed to Haiti!  Yay!  I know many of you are wondering what that really means.  It basically means that our part of the paperwork is completed.  Our home study, dossier, translation, application to Immigration Department and everything in the U. S. has been completed and accepted.  It was accepted by the Haitian Consulate in Chicago this past week and now is being sent to Haiti.  We will now begin the wait to be matched with our child and the legal process in Haiti to bring them HOME!!
          The picture of the brick steps vividly describes our path.   Our wall (Haiti being open/closed for months) was changed to these beautiful brick steps that are so inviting and allow you to almost see the path ahead.  That’s how I feel about our journey.  We are again moving and we can see the path right where we are but the path ahead we cannot see.  We do not know what lies ahead.   We step up in faith knowing that our God loves us and protects us and He knows what is to come.
          Thank you for your love and support through these months of ups and downs!  Each day is one day closer to our family of 5.