"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25


Maison d’Enfants par la Foi
(House of Children by the Faith)

                The orphanage itself is located in Carrefour, which is a heavily populated city on the outskirts of the capital city of Port au Prince.  It was started in 1988 by Reverend Polestin, a faithful Haitian pastor who began taking orphans and other needy children into his home.  There was a primary school, a church and a parsonage all on one parcel of land.  As Rev. and Mrs. Polestin continued to take in children into their home it became an orphanage and they had to seek another home elsewhere.  As he continued his Pastoral position his daughter Celianie Valmond became the director of the orphanage.  At the time of the earthquake in 2010 Rev. Polestin had a stroke and is now living in America for health reasons and Celianie continues to oversee the orphanage which houses over 120 children now in two locations (current home for boys and a new location for the girls). 
                HeartCry is a ministry for orphans out of New Hope Baptist Church in Fayetteville, Georgia. They minister to orphans locally and globally.  One of their ministries is a sponsorship program with the children in this orphanage in Haiti.  Each child has a sponsor that helps to provide daily meals, vitamins, clean water, medical care, and a good education for each child. 
                HeartCry has been raising money to build a new orphanage for Maison d’Enfants par la Foi and have recently broken ground on this new endeavor.  The new land is located in the city of Ganthier which is a couple hour drive from Carrefour.  The difference between the two locations is unbelievable.  God has been faithful in providing for His children!   We are in the beginning building stages (the land was just graded) but all things must begin somewhere.
                Many of you that are not familiar with Maison d’Enfants par la Foi have asked what it is like so I am including pictures from a typical day and the typical life in our orphanage as well as pictures from our new land.
                We celebrate this blessing of our new land and pray for the children during this transition.  Join us in praying and if you would like more information about Maison d’Enfants par la Foi please let me know. 

*note:  this is the orphanage that we support through our church and volunteer at but not the orphanage that we will be adopting through. I will put a link up for that orphanage soon.  ~Amy 

The gate at our entrance.
Mealtime (schoolchildren wear uniforms)


Serving the food
The clean water we have provided. 


Playing soccer in the courtyard
The ladies sewing the uniforms.

When teams come these are (some) of the things that happen:

Reading cards made by our kids in the USA

Reading books together (they love I Spy books)

Singing songs and learning the sign language

Spelling Bee

Group Fun and lots of love!

Outside of our Orphanage.  These are some pictures of Haiti.

A market as we were walking to church.

Local water (with trash piled beside)

How they carry and move stuff...amazing!

Since some areas are below sea level it never drains properly leaving water laying in the streets everywhere.  

This is a back-road or side street. 

This would be a regular city street. Vendor on the street.
Cars, water and trash.

Downtown street: few lights, lots of horns. chaos often.

And this was our first view of our new land.....

Psalm 19:1 The Heavens declare the glory of the Lord, the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

What it looks like now....

It is going to be amazing! 

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. 
1 Corinthians 2:9  As it is written:  No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him - but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit. 

When preparations began to build a new orphanage, I think everyone wanted a new orhpanage in a better location.  I don't think anyone would have ever imagined this.  Just like these verses say....God gave more than we could have ever conceived.  These children are His children. He is blessing them indeed.