"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It has begun!

It has begun! In fact, it began a long time ago.  Before we had any idea we would ever adopt a child, God was already setting things in motion and preparing our hearts.  He was doing things in us to get us ready and we are still such a work in progress.

For those of you just joining us on our adoption journey, welcome!  In some ways it seems like it has taken forever already but that might be because I am an impatient person.  In reality, it hasn’t taken that long and the road before us is much longer than that which we have passed already. 

Everyone’s first question when we say we are adopting is “Do the kids know?” and that answer is Yes.  You are more than welcome to discuss anything with them.  We have discussed it all with them and they know what we know.  Ashley has a sweet heart and a good understanding of what is happening.  Travis doesn’t seem to fully understand but rest assured that he will. 

So, how did we get here?  Well, it doesn’t happen overnight?  It isn’t a wake up one morning and say over coffee “Let’s adopt a child”.  It was a gradual stirring of our hearts.  A comment here and a fleeting thought there.  Add the Holy Spirit and you have changed hearts.  I do think it started for both of us when we went on our different mission trips to Haiti.  We both laughed about wanting to bring a child home yet there was a seriousness underneath that we each knew we wish we could have done that very thing!  I don’t think I could have picked just one though!  Scriptures kept pointing us towards adoption but our fears would turn us away.  We read books and went on trips that turned us towards adoption but then finances would turn us away.  It was a roller coaster of emotions and wrestling with God for clear direction.   But the Holy Spirit continually showed us that every reason we had for not adopting was selfish (fears, financial, etc) and that He would supply our every need if only we were obedient to His calling.  The day I turned my fears over to God to carry for me was very freeing!  He is all I need!  It is glorious not to have to carry all of those burdens around anymore.  Why did I try to do it myself for so long anyway? 

Soon there will be more to come on our process, where we are adopting from and where we go from here.  Until then, please be in prayer for us, our children and our new one wherever they may be.  May God keep them safe until we can bring them home and may God bless us and continue to guide our path as we work to prepare and bring them home.  

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