"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Friday, May 17, 2013

Being 'Real'

       My whole life I thought I was supposed to be a ‘good example’ or to shine my light brightly so to speak. But I read a blog the other day and it really hit home to me that we aren’t really supposed to be a good example for other people.  We are called to be ‘real’ and Jesus is to be the example.  So here’s me being real……this whole adoption thing is just plain hard.  And I mean to-the-core-hard.  This month for me seems to be the worst for some reason.  Many of you have been asking and I have probably plastered a smile and said “Great” and you notice my blog has been quiet but it wasn’t me being honest.  Here’s honesty:
         *May marked one full year of actively pursuing adoption and that date for some reason has been hard for me to take in.  One full year of more paperwork than you can imagine.  One year of praying.  One year of what seems like little progress.
        *Our paperwork has been in legalization (in Haiti) since March which is where they review everything and approve/deny everything we have done.  We cannot move forward until this is done.  Calling all prayer warriors….if you would join us in praying us forward and that they accept everything that would be wonderful!
        *I know that God is in total control and that the wait has a purpose.  He has a plan for all of this.  I know that.  I trust that.  I trust Him.  But the wait is unbearable some days.   To know that our paperwork is already in country and that our child is already at an orphanage and yet will live there for probably 1 or 2 years before we can bring them home breaks my heart.
        The months of pain that we will go through will still not compare to what our child will go through.  This process is just hard all the way around.  Honestly….waiting stinks.  There I said it.  There may be a purpose for it but it still stinks.  I’m just sayin.