"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Monday, December 16, 2013

Best Christmas Present Ever

           If you know us well, then you know that the past few months have been kind of a challenge in some ways as we have had some adjustments to get used to in our lives.  After many years of Todd’s work schedule keeping him close to home, he now is traveling a lot and it is a major adjustment for our family.  Add to that the wait of an adoption and it can get crazy.  This past week seemed to be an especially crazy week.  Todd was once again traveling (this time to California) and was gone from Sunday morning to Saturday night.  Ashley was in the Living Christmas Tree performance at our church which is a wonderful ministry but a demanding schedule.  It meant long nights and boring nights for her brother who always seemed lost in the shuffle. (Thanks to good friends who carpooled most of the week to allow me to stay home with him.)
           Sunday came and we went to see both performances.  We went as a family to see one performance and the other so we could watch Ashley with friends and family.  It was amazing.  I laughed and cried through the whole thing.  I have been so proud that Ashley has felt so convicted to be a part of this ministry and has shown such dedication each day!  Even though she was tired she was determined to stick out the week! 
           She saw the fruits of her labor on Sunday…..when Travis asked Jesus into his heart at the 3:00 performance!  When Pastor Rhys said for those that said the prayer of salvation to raise their hands and I saw those big brown eyes look at me from Todd’s lap I just knew!  He was nervous but he had done it!  He raised his little arm as my tears started to flow!  He has talked about asking Jesus into his heart for awhile but we didn’t want to push and I guess Sunday was the perfect day! 
           For those that are so full of adult-wisdom in thinking that a 6 year old is too young to make a decision for Christ…..let’s leave that judgment up to God.  Because to tell him it wasn’t real is like telling him the sky isn’t blue.  He knows what he did and knows why he wanted to do it.  I believe we all need to have faith like a child and love like a child….with abandon!  May I always love that way! 
            So, this Christmas we will rejoice over our second child now being born into God’s family!  Praise the Lord!

           Thank you to all that served in the Living Christmas Tree! It certainly had an impact in our life.