"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Friday, April 3, 2015

Oberson has moved...

        Oberson may not have moved into our home but he has moved into a new home recently.  He moved from the Main House at God's Littlest Angels Orphanage to their Fort Jacques location which is for older children.  Does that seem like a big deal?  Do you know what that means to him?  Let that sink in for a minute.  He left an amazing place where babies are loved on and cared for every day but is moving to a more home-like environment.  Fort Jacques is like an oasis for kids.  : )  They have these brightly painted cottage style homes where he lives with 10 other children and his nannies.  He has a bunk bed and is learning staying in a bed, sleeping in a home-like environment, sharing with his friends, eating at a table, potty training, having English classes, snack time  and so many normal family fun activities.  They have a beautiful school where the kids learn English, they have a huge cement play area for all kinds of bikes, scooters and any toy with wheels and then an amazing playground with slides and grass for the kids to play!  I so wish we could see him playing here and learning and growing.  When we were with him he was slow to ease into things yet when he warmed up and got involved he did so wholeheartedly and often with his own opinions.  He could easily go from hesitant to independent and then cautious  to mischievous .  I often felt I was on the rebound as he could flip faster than I could!  haha!  Can you imagine how many changes he is going through right now?  He has left the nannies he has grown up with, left his old home and moved to his new place.  We know this new place is (and will be) so much better but in the eyes of a two year old they don't always understand that at first!
        His pictures this month show him in a wagon.  They have puppies at the orphanage and the kids were allowed to hold the puppies for the pictures.  They said only a few kids weren't too thrilled of the puppies....Oberson was obviously one of those kids!  We laughed at the pictures!  Here are his true faces!  We saw this face a ton while with him.

WHAT?  A puppy?  Totally not sure about this!!!!  

A goldfish  to calm him down......

Finally a happy boy and a smile!  : )   But no puppy in sight!  haha!

We were able to send some small gifts down with another family visiting.  
Oberson enjoyed his musical microphone and is able to point out mama and papa in pictures.  

This is an amazing ariel view of GLA and the new location that Oberson has moved to.  You have heard us talk so much about the Main Baby house and how they have the state of the art health care facilities for babies.  Wait until you see what awaits the older children......
Can you just picture him here?  I wish I knew which color house was his!  : )  I wish I could see him riding on that middle level and sliding on a slide in the GRASS!  Oh my gracious...think of all the people that have provided and work DAILY so that he is cared for until he is home with his forever family.  I cannot imagine his life otherwise.