"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Laughter πŸ˜‚

Recently, I was asked why I don’t blog anymore. (I cannot believe it has been a year!) They said they missed our stories.  Haha.  I assured them we have plenty of stories.  Plenty.  The story from this morning comes with an apology.......

Have you ever had “that kid”?
You know what I mean.....the kid that says all the inappropriate things, makes the bodily noises at all the wrong times or just leaves you dumbfounded and unable to even respond?  If you are a parent, then you understand. (And if you deny it...it has happened behind your back.  Haha!  Ask the teachers.  Teachers can laugh things off that turn the faces of the sweetest parents lobster red.)

Today, Toby was ‘that kid’.....at church.  To set the scene, Todd and I teach his Sunday School class.  Today we were discussing Paul being joyful even when he was in prison.  Our class is predominately boys and can get often on the ‘boy side’ of things. We laugh and reign it back it with only a few giggles.  Today, they were all sitting at the table very focused on their craft and were being SO good!  Someone started singing the song we sang during circle time (I’ve got the Joy, Joy, Joy).  Toby decided to change the words.....and sang (very loud and proud)......”I’ve got the Joy Joy Joy Joy down in my butt....where?....down in my butt”.  yep!  Our kid.  Of course, the boys laughed like crazy, fell from their seats and all began to sing with him.  I was dumbfounded.  I stood there for a few seconds to comprehend but since their minds work super fast....I was too late.  All the talking in the world means nothing.  Toby was super proud of his friend making skills and making class so much fun. πŸ™„ So, if your kid was in our class today and they came home singing a new song....sorry. 😬

To be completely transparent.....some days, Toby is our most difficult child....yet he has brought SO much fun and laughter to our house!  We daily giggle at some antic or comment that he says.  Some are inappropriate but they usually stem from still learning our language and not from a mean spirit.  Actually, they usually stem from being a boy.  Living in a house of boys for the first four years means his ‘boy-humor’ is off the charts.  

Some of his recent comments: 

(I never wear makeup but actually put some on to go out the other day). Toby got right up to my face, put a hand on each of my cheeks and with all the seriousness in the world said:  “mommy, I just love your eyeballs”.  Travis laughed for a good 10 minutes.  My makeup did not survive my tears of laughter.  

Food is always an issue and he often comes in to see what I am making and how long until dinner.  Seeing something new and unfamiliar he looked at me with a quizzical look and said “Will this be yummy food or yucky?”

One morning while snuggling in the rocking chair he looked up at me with those big eyes and said “mommy, I am going to like you all day today”.  

Laughter.....it cures so much!  
He is still adjusting to all these new things and new places.  His little mind is growing and grasping so many things.  Sometimes the words come out jumbled and just plain funny.  Sometimes, he truly is just looking for attention.  In hindsight, he was most likely feeling a little overwhelmed in class this morning with a lot of kids and the room quiet with everyone concentrating. It was easier to create a distraction than to be uncomfortable.  But, aren’t we all like that sometimes? Wouldn’t we rather make someone laugh than to feel insecure or out of place? Of course!  Most behaviors are a reaction....finding what they are reacting to is the hard part!  

In all seriousness, I could say we are all still adjusting.....because we are.  But isn’t every parent in a state of adjusting?  Learning to adjust to chasing a baby that used to sit so sweetly in a swing, or adjusting to the constant “why” that comes after those first sweet words.  Maybe it is adjusting to the routine of homework after all those fun relaxing days or adjusting to a pre-teen/teen in the house (gasp).  Some of you are adjusting to kids driving (I.can’t.even) or going off to college (I have no words).  Life is adjustment. And it doesn’t just apply to kids.  It is perpetual.  

Toby has taught us to enjoy the now.  To stop planning ahead and to enjoy the moment.  He lives for the NOW!  It has made me laugh more, relax more and stop planning.  When Ashley and Travis were little we were always on the go.  Taking them everywhere and fitting as much in as possible.  Toby still finds new things a little overwhelming and we have learned to enjoy the NOW!  Play the games, enjoy time together, cuddle, sing songs, color, wrestle (his favorite)....and laugh.  A lot! 

May you learn you enjoy the now! ❤️πŸ˜€

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