"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It’s a family thing…

                The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind in our home (as you can only imagine).  My mind has been going non-stop with planning, dreaming, wondering, questioning, imagining and praying about everything you can imagine and then praying for things that I haven’t thought of yet!!  I want this whole process to be covered in prayer!  But this process isn’t about me!  This journey is for our whole family and I thought I would share how our whole family is a part of this journey. 
                On the day we got the call, I immediately called Todd and then drove to the school to sign the kids out of school.  Is that crazy?  Yes!  Is this a life changing day?  Absolutely!!  I didn’t want to tell anyone without telling them first!  I told them we were coming home to have a ‘fun lunch’ and then told them when we got home.  Ashley burst into tears with the news and jumped into my lap and Travis just jumped all over the room!  He was so excited and didn’t know what to do with his energy!  He jumped and cried together!  We had such a fun time celebrating and praying together. 
                Within a few days we had pictures enlarged and placed around the house.  The kids have been a big part of helping us choose a name for our son.  We were not going to change the name of an older child but with him being younger it is something we are considering.  We all like the same name (yeah….it’s a God-thing!!)  We love the meaning and we think it is fitting for him.  It has been fun to have the kids be a part of this process. 
                Almost immediately, Travis announced that he was sharing a bedroom with his little brother!  We had talked prior to getting our referral that we were unsure about how to rearrange bedrooms.  We have an extra bedroom but thought that sharing might make the transition easier for a kiddo used to being around a lot of other little ones.  We wanted to find out their age/gender before making that decision.  As soon as we found out, Travis was determined they were sharing and is already talking about their new room.  It’s so sweet!  I’m so ready to start getting the room ready just because we are all so excited!! 
                Tonight just broke my heart…..I am on a facebook private group of people adopting from the same orphanage.  Someone posted a picture of our little guy from when they went to visit their son a couple of months ago.  When she tagged me in the picture other people started commenting also.  We were reading the comments at dinner tonight. The one comment said that even though we couldn’t see his shirt it actually said “I Love My Daddy”.  The one woman said that his eyes are very captivating and she loved looking at him each day.  It was at that point that little Travis started crying.  He sweetly said “I miss him and I want him home”.  It was a hard dinner tonight with all of us ending up in tears.  Ashley is as tender (if not more so) than Travis but often doesn’t share her thoughts as openly as Travis does.  She just quietly weeps when upset…..like tonight.  We talked about how amazing it is that God can knit hearts together when we haven’t even met yet. 
                Praying that God will continue to knit all of our hearts together and safeguard them through the rest of this process.  It isn’t easy on anyone….especially the little ones. 

                Thank you for your support through this journey, for loving us and for loving our children through this too!  So many people came to find us on Sunday to ‘meet’ our little guy (even coming to find me in the nursery)….it was awesome to feel so loved and supported!  The kids told us how many people spoke to them and gave them hugs too (even when we weren’t around)….Thank you!  
Here's a picture we took of the kids at their school Christmas program a couple of weeks ago.  Love them so!