"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Thursday, January 30, 2014

We’re going to Haiti!

               We received our invitation from IBESR and we are going to Haiti!  They basically called with two specific weeks and we didn’t dare say no.  We instantly said Yes, Yes, Yes!!!  We spent the next few hours working on flights and other arrangements.  God’s word says He will give us the desires of our heart….that is so true!  He not only gave us relatively quick dates but He has worked the dates so that we can see the children at our church’s orphanage also!  We will arrive in Haiti two days early and spend time with them before going to meet our son!  Oh those words….going to meet our son! 
                We already have flights booked, hotels booked, chauffeurs arranged and we are starting to pack.  We are putting finishing touches on the arrangements for Ashley and Travis now.  You can begin praying for me now…..16 days away from my children!  GASP!   Slowly but surely God has prepared me for this moment.  Exactly 1 year ago I flew to California to meet Todd on a business trip.  It was my first time leaving the children and it was only for 3 days!  And this past fall we both went to Haiti on our first international trip.  We were slowly working our way into this trip. But, 16 days is a long time!  Whew!  I’ll need the prayers and Todd will need them because he will be dealing with me!  Haha!  (Not that daddy’s don’t love their children like mommy’s but since they travel so much for work I think the time away isn’t as hard for them.  They are used to it more than us mommy’s.) 
                So, in less than three weeks we will be meeting and holding our little boy!  We will begin to learn his personality and have a chance to love on him!  Now if I can contain my excitement and begin to put two thoughts together in a row I might stand a chance of getting everything done in time!  : ) 
                I added a new family picture (with our little man) on our page.  Here’s a big picture of our little guy!!!! (He was 12 months old in this picture and he is 15 months old now.)