Instead of our night being filled with packing suitcases it
was spent cancelling plane tickets. Yes,
you read that right. That would be the
bad. The good would be that we
immediately rebooked but for a later date.
My head tells me it only ended up being two weeks later but my heart
says….two weeks!! Everyone can say that it is all a part of God’s
plan and that two weeks is nothing in the scope of this adoption and you are
right. But to me….two weeks is a long
time! We will now leave on March 1st
and return on March 17th.
The truth? Well,
adoption just isn’t easy and it isn’t pretty.
To say it very bluntly, adoption is expensive. When I was adopted by Jesus
it cost him his life!
John 1:12 ~ But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God.