"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Help Bring Oberson Home….

So many of you have asked about what you can do to help bring Oberson home.  We appreciate all of the support!  If you want to help, there are three main ways….
1.        Pray for us!  We need prayer warriors that will carry us through the journey.  This is our most important need!  The things we need can only be achieved by God. 
   *  Pray that we will seek God in all situations…and not by emotions, distractions, etc. 
   *  Pray that all of our hearts will be united in a way that is only from above. 
   *  Pray for patience and understanding at this journey and to trust His timing vs our timing.
   *  Pray for Oberson as he will have more adjustments than we can understand.  Also,  that Ashley and Travis will be understanding through the travel & transitions and that we will remain observant to their needs. 

2.       Anyone want some jewelry?  I’m still selling jewelry as a fundraiser if anyone is interested.  I have the magazine necklaces made in Uganda by Amazima as well as glass earrings from Haiti and other items.  If you are interested, please let me know! I have a large supply of most items at the house.

3.       We have been approved for a matching grant by HeartCry Ministries which is an orphan ministry at our church.  The matching grant is through LifeSong which is a worldwide ministry to orphans.  Basically, whatever donations we receive in our name (fund) HeartCry will match up to $4000!  (That's $8000 y'all if we were fully funded!!) Donations are tax deductible.  Each year we have a Pasta Dinner to raise money for orphan ministries locally and around the world as well as raising money for adoptions.  We are being blessed by it this year!  A $10 donation would become $20 through this matching grant!  How amazing!  We are SO blessed and this is just another blessing.  If you are interested in donating, you can either use the link on the website and make a donation through PayPal or mail a check to LifeSong for Orphans, P.O. Box 40, Gridley, IL  61744.  PLEASE put Shearer Family #4306 on the memo line or we will not get credit for your donation! 

Your friendship, support and encouragement through all of this has been amazing to us!  Thank you for loving us and being so excited to meet our little guy!  : )  We can’t wait to meet him too!   J

Look who has gotten two little teeth! : )

Oh...I can't wait to kiss those cheeks!