"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Body of Christ.....

    “So, how are you really doing?”  That’s the most commonly asked question we get.  But what do they mean? Do they really want me to stand there and give them all the details of what I am feeling?  Probably not!  It’s just a polite way to acknowledge that they are concerned about us.  For those of you wondering (especially since I have been pretty quiet lately on the blog front) we are well.  I am able to go out in public and get most things done without falling apart. : ) But let me tell you what did happen and how most of you had an impact whether you knew it or not. 
      The emotional roller coaster is just unbelievable throughout this entire process.  We came home so excited to see Ashley and Travis, yet devastated to leave Oberson in Haiti.  There’s a guilt that comes with seemingly going about your life while your little one is in another country.  All those higher-than-highs and lower-than-lows can lead to one grumpy mama.  I was sleeping little and getting even less accomplished at home in those first few days.  It was a time that I almost couldn’t pray.  I was beyond the words at that moment. It was a fall-at-His-feet type of time and I know my God understood!  He is my Father and I felt like He was holding me in my hardest time.  I could cry out and He understood and I could read of His promises.  My desires didn’t need to be spoken…He knew my heart…He knew my prayer. 
     That first Sunday came and I wanted nothing more than to be in our home worship service with the music and to soak in His promises from our pastor, yet I begged Todd not to go to church.  I didn’t want to see the people.  Todd was shocked!  Weren’t these the very people that have been so supportive? Yes!  But, how could I face them when I could hardly talk, had no answers, and couldn’t put a smile on my face? 
     I learned something on a different level that day.  I experienced the Body of Christ in a new way.  As I walked into church that day I was not greeted with questions or people wanting smiles, instead I was greeted with hugs, friends and tears from people who understood and those that were walking this journey with me.  I sat in church and Sunday School with my husband on one side and friends on the other feeling the full support of our friends.  On that day, I felt the hands, hugs and tears of Christ through my friends.  It was the Body of Christ coming together to love on someone and I was touched in a way I can’t explain.  I pray that I have been that person to someone else over the years and that I will do that for others in the years to come.  I see anew how God intended us to work together and love each other.  The Body of Christ (my friends and family) was better than any therapy session I could have ever had!
     How are we doing now?  Oh we are getting by! I’m trying to plan the nursery and every purchase we will need as soon as possible (nesting of course) while Todd assures me we have plenty of time.   The children are getting excited to help us shop and start to really see things come together and start to talk about estimated timelines.  In other words…we are holding our own. 
     Someone asked me the other day how I could be happy in the midst of all of this.  I was kind of taken aback for a moment.  If you see me with a smile, laughing, giggling or having a great time please know that I am a joyful person.  I do have joy!  I am loved unconditionally, forgiven of my sins, promised a new life forever, redeemed by a loving Savior, and yes I am joyful!!  Am I happy?  Happiness is different than joy.  No, I cannot say that I am happy that my son lives in another country.  I am not happy that he does not know the love of a family yet we long to have him here.  I am not happy that this process is way longer than it ever should be.  Joy in my life and faith in my Heavenly Father to care for my son…..YES!

     Do you ever want to hear a word from God?  This week He spoke to me through a flower in my yard.  Last fall, the kids and I planted daffodils and hyacinths.  With all honesty, I will say that I haven’t done a thing to those bulbs since I planted them.  Nothing.  Nada.  Yet, God watered and took care of them so that 5 months later they produced beautiful blooms!!  They were gorgeous!  I sat there and looked at them and I felt like He was telling me that He is growing up Oberson too!  I don’t need to do anything.  He’s got Oberson in His hands and He’s got it all under control.  Thank you Jesus!

Oh how I miss this little guy!