"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


                It has been almost a month since my last post and yet on the official side of things nothing has changed. We still wait for ‘approval’ and for our paperwork to move to the next step.  Yet, we recently received our monthly update picture and one thing is certain….our little guy is changing!  Our paperwork isn’t changing but he is!  He is growing and changing and he is doing it all without us! He needs to come home! 
                Another thing changing would be our house.  We have spent recent days and weeks moving rooms and moving things around to get ready for our little guy to come home.  Travis wants to share a bedroom with Oberson so our largest bedroom will be the boys’ room (which we began working on recently and was formerly our playroom/office/catch-all room).  Travis’s room will become our guest room and the guest room has become our playroom.  Whew!  Did you get all of that?  Right now it equals chaos but we hope it comes together soon.  It was fun for everyone to participate in the work. The kids enjoyed painting and helping get ready.  It is a tangible part that they can do and it feels good to do something plus it will allow them to see something completed. Travis has been chatting about things they will do in the room, Christmas together and other stories of them together in there. 
                We feel time (and possibly 2014) is slipping away…..we are asking for you to join us in prayer!  The process, once we receive our approval, takes approximately 6 months to bring him home….we have yet to receive our approval.  With this being June we are (most likely), losing sight of him coming home in 2014 with each day that passes.  It is a harsh reality that is hitting me hard.  We know that God is in control!  (Psalm 68:6 “God places the lonely in families”) And We know that God’s ways and timing is the best (Ecclesiates 8:6 For there is a time and a way for everything). We also know there is power in prayer!  We are praying him home and would ask you to join us!!  We are praying that any stongholds be broken and that the right person would see our file so that the process can begin to bring him home! (2 Corinithians 10:4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.  On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.)

                As always, we love you all and thank you for your support.  We appreciate your prayers more than we can ever convey!