"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Happy Birthday Oberson!

        Tuesday, October 21st was Oberson's 2nd birthday! We didn't want the day to go unnoticed or uncelebrated (is that even a word??) but how do you celebrate for someone that isn't even here yet?
        Todd and I aren't really big birthday people and if you know us well you know we don't do cards or gifts at all for birthdays....except for the children of course!  Then it is a whole different ballgame!  It's not all about the presents but it IS all about the celebration of them!  The kids get a candle for each meal on their special day and it is just a whole day or celebrate how God made them special.
        We wanted nothing less for Oberson!!  We started out singing 'Happy Birthday' at breakfast before they even left for school and then we had a special dinner that night as a family. (And a family dinner on a weeknight means skipping practices, eating late due to long work hours...but it was important and we did it!)  We had kid friendly food (which is important at every birthday party) and a beloved ice-cream cake that said 'Happy Birthday Oberson".  We talked about how much fun it will be to see him with ice cream!   :)  We talked about him and enjoyed a couple prayer times around the table for him.
        It was a nice night to honor him, celebrate him and how special he is, and pray for the day he will come home!

Happy 2nd Birthday Oberson! 
We hope the 3rd one is here with us!  We miss you and love you! 

Psalm 139:14  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made!

Job 33:4 The Spirit of God made me; the breath of the Almighty gave me life.