"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Friday, October 31, 2014

October Update

      Although it is a day some may try to play tricks it is all about the treats here....we received our monthly update and new pictures of Oberson today!  According to our update, he is doing well in school and enjoys playing with his friends.  Just like when we were there in March, he still loves the swing and the soccer balls....and often at the same time!  : )  It appears we may have another soccer player in the house someday!  He hasn't recevied his gifts from us yet but this time I took a picture of both Ashley and Travis holding their soccer balls and in their uniforms to show him that they love soccer too.  Oh...I just had the idea of a new picture frame...a picture of each child holding their soccer ball!  I love it! God SO knits us all together doesn't he?  We are all so different yet all fit together perfectly at the same time!  
     Well, here are the new pictures we received today.  Enjoy the treats today on this Fall fun day otherwise known as Halloween.  :)  I'll try to post pictures of our other little treats later tonight.