"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Hand of God

            For years now we have prayed for God to 'knit our hearts together' and for Him to bind us together in a way that only He can since we are living as a family countries apart.  Do you wonder what that really means?  Or do you roll your eyes and think that is just a bunch of words?  What does 'knit us together' really mean anyway  Our little guy still lives what seems like a world away so I can't say for sure but I got a glimpse of it the other day and I just had to share it with you!  God is so good....all the time!
            I have to give you the background to understand how it all comes together so be patient with me.
            When we went to Haiti last March to meet Oberson, I will completely admit I was a basket of nerves!  I was insecure in every way.  I felt like a new mother, felt like everyone was watching and evaluating me every minute and just felt like I was inadequate in every way.  By the second week I was relaxing and starting to be myself.  One big part of my life here at home is music.  Now let's be straight.....I can't sing!  You won't find me in any choir, praise team or anything like that.  You may find me singing in the car or having dance parties with the kids in the living room!  : )  Ever since they were little, they have loved music; in fact, I often carried them in my arms and danced around singing. Ok, back to Haiti. The balcony was such a wonderful place to play and had these amazing children, volunteers, toys and beautiful mountain views and breeze....yet it was void of music.  So, I brought my portable bluetooth speaker.  Todd found a place to hang it on the far side and I started playing my praise music.  I held Oberson and we started dancing and singing.  He was mesmerized.  Completely.  When on the ground he just stood there staring at the speaker.  That began our second week.  Sharing and comparing songs with the other volunteers but singing and dancing to songs while on the balcony.  To me, it was precious.  Did he dance...no.  Did I dance with him....when he let me hold him!  : )  But for me, it was a glimpse into what would come.  A home filled with music, singing and dancing!
             For the past 11 months we have prayed for knitting of our hearts together right.....
             Our update from the orphanage came today and here were some of the words we got:
Oberson loves dancing! He loves listening to the neighbors from the balcony when they play their music, and laughing when he dances!
            Really? He's recognizing music, stopping to dance and laughing?  (Do you see me crying here?) God is knitting our hearts together and binding us together in a time we cannot even be together!  He is preparing us all for the day when we will be united as one family!  He is bigger and better than we can ever imagine!
            For a glimpse into our hearts, here are a few pictures from our time with Oberson.  You can see him clutching the small black  speaker in the first two pictures.  For the family picture, we had a tri-pod set up with the speaker together to get him to look at the camera (sneaky but it worked!!).  (These pictures were actually taken on our last morning with him.  We had the whole balcony to ourselves and we had just precious time to sing, dance, pray and just play together before we had to say our final goodbye...enough about that.)  Obviously  these are from 11 months ago...

This next picture is from this month...our little Valentine!  Isn't he precious?!

 Psalm 68:6 (NIV) God sets the lonely in families...