"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Special Day...

The first time I held Ashley in my arms on the day she as born, was probably the first time I truly understood unconditional love.  That day, my relationship with Jesus started to change.  I started to understand grace and a relationship instead of rules and a religion.  Looking into that precious face it started to become clear.  

We were praying for her salvation from the day we found out we were pregnant.  But as my relationship changed so did my prayers.  We prayed for her to have a relationship with Christ.  

In 2009, while Todd was on a mission trip in Haiti, I was standing with Ashley in church as we were doing the closing prayer.  I honestly don't think I heard the prayer as I was praying my own words.  Then, I felt this tug and saw her little arm go up in the air when the pastor asked if anyone had prayed the prayer of salvation.  With her being so little, no one even saw her raised arm....but I did.  And I believe the angels were already celebrating this changed life of a little girl.  As we talked that day to clarify that she understood her decision, so began a new season of prayers.  Praying that she will forever grow in her friendship with Jesus, understanding of His Word, hearing His voice and obeying His callings.  

Over these years she has taken classes at church and thought about baptism.  She prayed about it but it just never felt right.  She knew it was an act of obedience and not her salvation but it was being in front of everyone that scared her.  It was just recently that she began praying with earnest about her baptism.  We prayed along with her until one day she announced it was time.  

On Sunday, September 13th, 2015 our Ashley was baptized!  Our church had a barbeque luncheon after church, we sang hymns and the sun was brightly shining as our little girl was one of many baptized in Jesus' name.  Surrounded by friends, family, teachers and pastors she had received His peace and enjoyed her special day.  

There's something very special about watching your children obey our Heavenly Father and walk their own walk of faith.  I imagine it is like God watching over us.  

Want to see something sweet?  Remember how I said Ashley was surrounded by loving family and friends?  Look at the young lady in front, with sunglasses on and holding her hands to her face.....yes, that is Ashley's best friend (also pictured below).  I think Lila was as excited as Ashley.  They have a beautiful friendship! I can also see friends taking pictures 😀 and just smiling on her special day.  That is the Body of Christ in action!  

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Close...but not close enough

Yes...this was us tonight!!!
We were able to Skype with Oberson for the first time!!  : )  Can you hear me screaming?  I was a bundle of nerves kind of like when we went to Haiti to meet him but it was so fun!  

Of course, the crazy person that I am had the family all waiting with toys, pictures and books as we anxiously waited for the call.  Little Oberson had no idea what to think and this look was pretty much what we saw the most.  I ached to hear his voice but he kept it hidden today.  Crazy was this computer that was talking to him!!  lol!  He did get tickled a few times so we saw some laughs and smiles.  He looked at a book we sent with all of our pictures and seemed confused that we were in a book and yet on a screen.  Travis and Ashley played with balls and cars and he seemed to like that.  When we were there he was in love with soccer balls.  Now he pointed that he likes the car better than the ball.  With some coaxing he did give everyone a computer high five.  

And how did I handle this amazing moment?  My mind was a whirwind.  I couldn't think of a Creole word for anything. And to those that know me best....I cried before and after but not during!  Whahoo!   

We are still praying for signatures and that this process can get moving but for tonight we will celebrate seeing our precious boy with our own eyes! 

God tells us in his Word that He will give us more than we can imagine and tonight He did!  I never asked for this...I couldn't have imagined it!  Yet, when we need it most He provides.  He is ever faithful!  

Here are a few more shots from tonight.  
 A few smiles while getting tickled!  

  Looking at the picture album we sent.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Signature Update

Thank you to everyone who has called, emailed and checked in with us to see if we have received our needed signatures.  We have felt the love & support and appreciate it more than we can express!

Unfortunatley, we have not had any information and/or movement on our file at this point.  One of the individuals we need to sign our file is out of the country and they do not know when she will return.  Tomorrow marks 18 months since we left Haiti and had to say goodbye to Oberson.  

There really aren't words to explain my feelings at this point.  I have run out of ways to explain it to the kids why nothing has happened,  Our agency is saying that when we get these signatures we will have another 9-12 months of waiting to complete the rest of the steps.  That clock will not start ticking until we at least get these signatures.  

As always, we appreciate the support and even more so your prayers!  

I had not shared these pictures in a hope that they would accompany the announcement that we had movement....but I cannot wait any longer.  He is too precious not to share...