"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Birthday Celebration....

Today (October 21st) is Oberson's birthday.  It was a bittersweet day with a miriad of emotions including the disapointment that he still isn't home all the way to a sweet surprise.  Our wonderful orphanage has once again allowed us to Skype with him!  The director made him a cake, had candles and brought him to her house to Skype with us!  We were able to sing "Happy Birthday", watch him stick his fingers in the icing and lick them clean, and just watch him enjoy this special day.  It wasn't long until he was ready to get down.  Then, he carefully carried the cake from her house to his house and sat down with his friends all around and shared.  It was so sweet!  He had one spoon and they would all take turns sharing.  It was sweet to see him with his friends and to hear their chatter.

Now, let's be real....this isn't a Norman Rockwell painting or anything.  It was wonderful but if you know me you know I enjoy the humor in things also.  This is our second time Skyping and we have yet to hear his voice or see his smile.  We heard the voices and talked/waved with his little friends but he just enjoyed his cake. : ) The cake sharing was hysterical....one bite for Oberson, one for a friend, one for Oberson, one for a friend!   heehee.  He did at least look at us more this time and begin to listen and look.  Todd wasn't some when they called and when he walked in the room, Oberson was all eyes.  He was definately looking for Todd!  And when we showed him the cake we made here to celebrate....he tried to grab it and was confused.  

Oh the emotions are high tonight.  I just want this to be over so we can get him home but at least we got to see those big eyes, sing and celebrate together.  

 Checking out his cake and enjoying the icing! 

Blowing out the candles. 

Sitting with his friends to share cake.  

Our family celebration.  

Our most recent picture (23 months).