"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Friday, June 3, 2016

Ready for a passport...

Since I have posted a few times on Facebook I have lacked in updating the blog. Sorry!

God has taught me SO much during this journey of waiting and most of it being to truly trust Him!  I can't tell you how many times I have prayed 'in your perfect time Lord' yet my heart was truly screaming for 'my' timing.  Which meant right now!  It took me a long time to trust His timing! I could rationalize my timeframe in a million ways but the truth is that I don't know what is best.  I think I do.  Only He knows how this journey will be used for His Glory!

Everyone has been asking questions so hopefully this answers a few...

What do you need to do yet?
Yesterday we received the news that we were approved by the Minister of Interior and the file was sent for passport printing.  Oberson will receive a Haitian passport (since he is currently a Haitian citizen). Printing can take anywhere from a few days to a month.

(For those that have been following via Facebook, we also received word yesterday that the attorney will be getting the corrected decree while we are in process.  That means it should not slow us down!!) Can I get an AMEN!?

When we receive his passport we will immediately apply for his Visa. As with everything, there are a few steps involved vs just getting it printed.  The file needs to be reviewed by USCIS (United States Citizienship and Immigration Services) and then the consular.  When approved they will schedule a medical exam and visa interview with Oberson (two different appointments).  When test results are received the Visa will be approved and sent for printing.  This step is very uncertain.  Some have completed it all in 4-5 weeks where it has taken others 10 or more weeks.  We will get notification of the visa & medical appointments so that will give us a heads up.  Otherwise when we get the call that we have a visa.....it is time to travel!!!

When do you expect him HOME?
That is the main question!  It is like being pregnant and you have a vague idea but nothing specific.  Haha.  Watching the timelines of other families and speaking with our agency it it most likely he will be home in August.  End of July is possible if everything go on the fast end of things.  If we get caught up somewhere it could be September.  

Are we ready?
Hahah...No!  I don't think there is a way to be fully ready for something that has so many unknowns.  It is kind of like having your first child.  You can buy all the stuff and get everything on the checklist but experiencing it is something else entirely!  Now, to be honest.....this mama is totally (totally) nesting.  I am cleaning every closet, going thru everything in the basement and just all out nesting.  And yes it is driving my family crazy!  We received his sizes so most things have been bought, brought out of storage, washed, folded and put in drawers or hung in his closet. It is SO nice to see things in his closet and drawers! 

I have been collecting items for awhile now that I plan to take with us when we bring him home. Think about packing the things your child will need on a vacation...yet you don't really know your child.  It just makes it more challenging.  I have a wide variety of toys to take (making sure I have some quiet ones for the plane ride also).  Any suggestions from those that have done this or easy to pack toys would be appreciated.  

What will your trip be like to bring him home?
We expect a 4-5 day trip to bring him home.  Like before, we will be staying at the guest house with his orphanage which is just a short drive away.  He will be with us right away but we also anticipate a gradual stepping away.  The first day we may spend time with him in his environment and friends, the second day we may tell everyone goodbye and then have the third day together just the 3 of us before flying home on the fourth day.  I guess you could say that is 'the plan' per our agency.  In reality, some kids don't do well going back and forth between guest home and orphanage, while other children need that slow intro vs being thrust into newness.  Also, there very well may be other families that will be arriving to pick up their children at the same time.  We are already praying for wisdom to interpret what will work best for Oberson and to be open/ready for changes in plans.  Depending on what days we can travel, our dream would be to catch the direct flight from PAP into Atlanta to avoid layovers. 

What can we do to help?  
Pray!  It may not sound like much but there is no greater force than prayers being lifted!  Pray for Oberson as he will be leaving everything he knows and loves and going where everything is new.  Pray that he will have a spirit willing to try new things, accept new people, open to change and learn to love and be loved! Likewise, we all need prayer for patience, understanding, compassion, love and a total covering of the Holy Spirit!  It is only thru Christ that hurts can be healed and time can be restored.  

Most Recent update pics

We sent him a small package.  The card was a talking card as a celebration of him officially becoming  Oberson SHEARER!

Playing with friends.