"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Friday, August 12, 2016

Sibling love ❤️

One of the questions we get asked the most is "Are the kids excited?" I tend to make it a long answer.  Yes, they are excited as they can be.  They have been waiting so long that sometimes I wonder if they truly believe he is coming! But then this week a simple question on a normal first day of school activity sheet really showed the heart of our little guy.  

I'm amazed at how they truly claim him already as their brother and talk about him all the time. When we went to the middle school to meet Ashley's home room teacher last week she looked at Travis and asked his name.  Completely overwhelmed and with an expressionless face all he said was "I'm a middle child".  Of course, I stood there with just Ash and Trav and the teacher nodded and smiled that screamed 'awkward!!'.  I instantly had tears and by this point she thinks we are all nuts.  I tried to explain but she still just smiled sweetly and said nothing.  

Last year Ashley wrote a paper about her family in school.  She wrote a page about Travis & Toby and drew a picture of them together.  Travis said it is their first picture together.  ❤️

When completing a form for church they both listed Toby.  

He is bound to our hearts!!  Our prayer from day one was that God would bind our hearts together in a way that only He could do...and it shows!  Ashley and Travis love and talk about Toby, they pray for him, they wait for him and they cannot wait to meet him.  Thank you Jesus!  Only He could bring hearts together like this when hands have never touched.  

The second most asked question is always..."what is happening?".  So here's our update: last week the corrected letter was delivered to the US Embassy in Haiti.  They received it and began reviewing our case again.  The review process takes 6+\- weeks so we are in for another wait.  We have many people working on our behalf to try to speed up this process but we shall see.  

We longed for a Summer homecoming but now we will enjoy it in the fall.