"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Friday, September 16, 2016

The ugly cry came today.....

We were told that we would be notified of our approval via email.  I should have worn a tshirt warning anyone close to me because anytime my phone beeped for an email I practically mowed them over on my way to check.  Just in case it was THE email.  And this has gone on since July.  You know those moments when you are rushed and just glance at something with a half thought.  That was yesterday.  Rushing to get in the carpool line, hanging up from one call and glancing at the phone while trying not to hit the other 200 people in line at the school.  That's when I saw it.  And from the depths came the ugly cry.  Oh my goodness.  I could not tell you the color of the car in front of me and could not even open my eyes for a few minutes.  Travis came out of his seat wondering what was wrong.  The dog began whimpering and trying to lick my fingers trying to comfort me (yes the dog rides to the school with us. No judging here right?). 

So, I instantly called Todd.  All while still trying to move up in line and yet not hit a car.  Hey, I'm a carpool mom after all.  I know the rules.  No stoping or even slowing down the line.  It's serious business and people get pretty cranky (myself included on some days).    And it's not like I can just politely pull over when there is a curb beside me.  Even though he is in California, in the desert, in a wind/sandstorm, I am able to reach Todd.  I thought I had control of myself until I heard his voice.  Nope.  Nada.  Ugly cry again with only squeaks of sound coming out.  He knew.  He understood.  This changes everything.  We have dreamed of, prayed for and prepared for this time and now it is moving from a plan to a reality.  

Girls pile into the van with a fast talking, excited little boy and a bawling mother. We drove away with squeals from everyone.  

Oh what a day!  

I know, I know....enough with the story and tell us when he comes HOME!  Right?

This was kind of like our 'heads up' in that if everything from here progresses normally we will travel in 2-3 weeks. As you know, we are waiting on his Visa to bring him home.  It is easier to picture the Visa stage in two parts.  The first part is for the 'paper' approval where they review all of the documents, file, adoption etc.  This is what we just completed.  The second part is the approval of the child.  Now, Oberson will be taken to the embassy for his interview and medical tests.  He will have one interview, one medical test and then a third appointment two days later to review the medical results.  When that is completed, they will print the visa.....and we will go!  

We will go.  Three little words that make my heart skip when I read them or say them.  Three little words that mean so much.  Promises fulfilled.  Prayers answered.  I could go on and on. 

When we expected him home in July I had already packed some of our bags....small tokens of appreciation for the nannies and staff as well as all the toys and activities we wanted to take for Oberson.  They are packed and ready in the basement.  Yet, last night I found myself drifting down there to check it over, repack and pray over everything one more time.  Suddenly, I began getting an overwhelming feeling and began questioning myself and everything I had done to prepare as my heart beat faster and faster.  

I stepped back and just sat in prayer.  God had ordained this.  He brought our hearts together before he brought us together physically.  His timeframe, while not what I had wanted, will be perfect.  Because He is perfect. He has protected and loved Oberson since conception.  Always knowing the plan.  He was faithful to forgive my impatience and I grew to trust and depend on Him in ways I never had before.  

Toby Oberson is coming home!  All Praise and Glory to God!