"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Sunday, January 6, 2013


                 It’s amazing how things can change in just a few short weeks. There are still a lot of questions and unknowns but we took a huge step today!  We are SO excited!!   Ok, here’s what happened……
                On Wednesday, January 2nd there was a posting on the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services website that said the following: Haiti’s adoption authority (IBESR) has informed the US Government that they are now accepting new adoption applications.  (Can you hear my screams?  Just checking!!)
                I didn’t see the post until Thursday but when I saw it the tears began flowing!!   Yes it is great news but there are still questions.  For instance, Haiti has announced that they will accept applications again, but, they must be submitted through an approved agency.  And yet they have not approved any agencies!   It is obviously a contradiction!  We must still wait for the approval of the agencies before we can submit anything.  Ugh…..but we are thankful to see movement in the right direction!
                We decided to take a risk.  We talked with our agency and we are going to go ahead and get everything translated and ready to go.  So today, we got all of the paperwork that needs translated together.  Since I can only scan one page at a time, Todd went to Yamaha and scanned all 76 pages.  We came home and emailed them! 
                Tomorrow morning they should be forwarded to the translated.  We now will wait until Haiti announces the approved agencies.  We pray that ours is approved but will take each day as it comes.  Today we celebrate a huge step forward in this process! 
                I hope to update this page soon with more detailed information on the steps we have completed as well as what to expect to see happen in the future.  Thank you for all of your support and questions.  We feel the prayers!  The peace we have felt for the past 3 weeks could only come from God!  He gave us that time to confirm our path.  
                Here’s a cheesy picture of the 4 of us tonight as we returned from scanning the documents.  The kids could feel our excitement.  Ashley prayed tonight for her new sibling and Travis thought they were coming home today.  : )  The mound of paperwork is what we have accumulated so far through this process and Ashley is holding the precious stack that was sent tonight! 
                Blessings to you all!  ~

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