"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Progress in this Process

     As I reflect over this day and in fact the past weeks and months, I am still in awe of where this journey has taken us.  I never thought that paperwork could take so very long to collect from so many different places.  I never realized how much of our life is controlled by “us” and this process is truly about waiting….on many levels.  We wait for people to get us documents, we wait for things in the mail, we wait for emails, we wait for news, we wait for phone calls……we wait. 
     I moved John Waller’s CD and song “While I’m Waiting” back into the front of my car playlist so I can hear and sing it all the time.  It is right where we have been.   It is where we will be for a long time and until our child is in our arms.  But isn’t life just a series of ‘wait’s?  We waited for our children to be able to talk and walk?  Now we are waiting for our child to be home with us?  We wait and pray for each of our children to know Jesus personally!  
     I think we do some of our best growing and learning in the waiting.  God speaks to us in the waiting.  Maybe we are able to listen more in the quiet.  I know it is true for my life sometimes. But let’s be honest….waiting isn’t easy.  I’m just like everyone else and there are days that waiting is just plain hard.  We heard that Haiti was open early in January and expected a call any day.  It never came.  Then the news came, that agency announcements would be made on the 10th…..then the 14th…..then for sure on the 15th.  Well, by this point I was not waiting very patiently.  I was becoming a tad obsessed.  Every time I walked by the computer I just had to hit refresh and check to see if an email had posted.  I must have checked my cell phone every ½ hour just to make sure I didn’t miss a call.  It was crazy!  I knew it was crazy and I would pray and calm myself down and then minutes later I was grabbing my cell phone just to check.  Ugh.  Oh me of little faith.  I had a peace.  I knew the call was coming I just was so anxious that I couldn’t wait.  Patience….that is what I lack!   Well, of course, the day came that I got “the call”.  I was at Ashley’s gymnastics evaluation at a new gym when I glanced at my phone and saw the number.  I instantly started praying and staring at my phone.  There was such a moment of shock that I literally almost missed the phone call!  It was our Bethany representative calling to say they got their approval and we were ready to submit our application!  Of course the tears started coming.   The kids looked at me and just knew!  It was cool!     
     Ever since then it has been trying to work out schedules to get things moving.  Today was the day that Todd and I could get to the state to get the paperwork all sealed by the state of Georgia.  We had a beautiful morning to drive up and it all worked out perfectly.  We snapped a few pictures to remember the day.  The capital building is actually across the street from where we went but it was so beautiful that we had to share this picture.  All of our documents now hold the huge official gold seal of the state of Georgia!!  Yay! 
     Walking out of that building was surreal.  To them, they were just pieces of paper.  They have no idea what went into getting those pieces of paper!!  To us, they are priceless!! 
      What is next?  We are waiting for 3 documents that are being sealed by the state of Ohio.  When we receive those we will get these state pages translated and then we will send our package (dossier) to Haiti! 
     Progress! Yes! 
     If we haven’t said it before….thank you for joining us on this journey!  The support to us and the kids has been just wonderful!  We appreciate it! 
     Prayer Requests:  continue to pray for the process and for all of our children that God would prepare all of our hearts to be united.  
     Blessings to you all~
 Yay!!!  There are precious 'Gold Seals' inside that bag that match the top of that capital building!!  : )

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