"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Be still and wait.....

           The past few months have been busy and I apologize for not updating before now.  We enjoyed Thanksgiving and Christmas with our children and families and spent any free time (haha) trying to gather the last of our paperwork and fundraising.  With Christmas approaching I was selling jewelry constantly and it was such a blessing!  (A huge Thank you to everyone who purchased jewelry or sent others to me!  You  are helping and we appreciate it!!!)   As our paperwork was coming together, I was in close communication with our agency to make sure I was following the steps correctly.  We were planning on going to the state on the Friday before Christmas to get everything sealed and sent for translation.  The day before (Thursday the 20th) we got a call from our agency.   Yes, they called to say that Haiti had closed for new adoptions.  They are no longer accepting new dossiers (new adoptions).  My first reaction felt like a huge loss and felt like something was just out of my grasp.  Yes, there were tears.  No, I couldn’t really talk about it.  I really didn’t even share with many close to me at first.  You see I needed those days with my Father.  I needed Him to hold and comfort me in a way that only He can!  We had prayed from the beginning that HE open and close the doors and that HE would show us what to do.  Well, He sure shut a door!  And with perfect timing too!  If we had gone and had the documents sealed then they would have not been able to be used again and we would have had to start the process over again so to speak.  He was protecting us all along just like He always does!!!  Our God is SO good!!  I am SO thankful that He is always looking out for us and protecting us even when it hurts.  He loves us that much! 
                So where does that leave us you ask?  That is a very good question.  Right now we are waiting.  We are waiting for God to show us the next step in our journey.  It is peaceful.  There’s something peaceful about resting in HIM.  I have been SO stressed about getting our paperwork and rushing to get it all done.  Well, it is all sitting here and ready to go.  We now are just waiting.  Haiti may re-open soon and we can reapply with them or we may need to move our paperwork to another country.  We do not know.  Thankfully our heavenly Father knows and He is preparing the way for us.  We are just trying to be faithful in the wait. We would love your prayers!  If you know me…I am not a very patient person!   J  Exactly one week after knowing that Haiti was closed we received pictures of all the children that were now available for adoption in Haiti. It is such a contradiction.  There are so many children in need.  But they are His children first and God has His hand in all of this.  He will direct our path whether it is to wait on Haiti to reopen or move to another country it is all on the journey to bringing our little one home. 
                Please join us in praying.  It is hard on our little ones too.  I began to tell Todd at dinner tonight that the Adoption Tax Credit had passed and when I began the first words Ashley jumped up and screamed “We Can…..” all excited.  She thought I was telling him that Haiti had opened and we were back to adopting from Haiti.  Their little hearts are affected as well.  We, as adults, don’t understand these things so explaining to children can often be difficult.  Please pray for all of our children, here and afar that we can be united quickly.  Blessings.  

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