"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Thursday, September 29, 2016


A counselor would call this the 'honeymoon phase' for adoption. 
I call it GOD! 

As I sit here, this is my view.  

Oberson is sound asleep in his bed.  I do not even know where to begin with this day being so unbelievable.  Many of you have asked questions so, I will start at the beginning.  

First we went to the embassy to pick up his visa.  Last time we spent probably 6 hours there so I was a little hesitant.  As we arrived there were hundreds of people in line and my heart sank.  As  American's, they ushered us to the front of the line.  And the next line.  And the next.  They went and got the man that we were supposed to meet with and he came right out.  We were back in the car in less than 15 minutes with the visa!  Such a God thing!  

We arrived at the guest house a little after 10:30am.  There he was sitting on the couch with those big brown eyes just looking at one and then the other.  He didn't smile but he pointed to Todd and said Papa.  He knew.  I did not even realize there were other people in the room and it took me awhile to even catch their names.  Somehow she got Todd's phone to take pics.  I missed that whole part but am thankful she caught the moments.  

We basically had the guest house to ourselves most of the day.  The cooks made Haitian spaghetti for lunch and Oberson gobbled it down.  He was hungry!  We played everything from cars, basketball, trains and trucks to coloring and endless amounts of bubbles.  He looked at pictures and watched a few minutes of the Cars movie.  After Melissa and Jamesly got home the boys played in the pool together.  They were so much fun!  The boys are mere months apart in age and have known each other for years.  So fun!  The volunteers returned around 5 and we enjoyed meeting them and visiting before dinner.  He ate very well again tonight.  He was super tired so we came upstairs for the most fun shower ever and then a quiet time of cuddles on the balcony.  The breeze was blowing as a storm is moving in but we sat cuddled in his new blanket rocking and singing.  Now, he is tucked in his bed.  I stayed beside him for awhile but he went right to sleep.  

We have prayed specific prayers over Oberson for many years.  It is amazing to see his little personality and some of those prayers being answered.  He is one prayed for little dude!  

There are things that break my heart as we spend time together.  He is so independent.  He is used to doing things for himself.  Lunch and Dinner had rice of course and this little guy can scoop up every last one.  He is an amazing eater.  And no sippy cups in this place.  Kids drink from glasses and just learn to do it right.  He is so big! Tonight we realized how much he enjoys cuddles and yet is used to falling asleep on his own.  So independent.  

His English is good!  He obviously speaks in Creole and a few times we had no idea what he was saying but most of the time our limited Creole and his English worked it out.  He understands way more than he speaks.  With Todd and I he began talking a good bit.  But with anyone else he is super quiet.  

We did get to Facetime with the kids tonight.  Pretty amazing to see them waving and saying Hi to one another.  

Tomorrow everything changes.  Tomorrow we will return to the orphanage for a special service and for him to say goodbye.  And then he will leave everything he has ever known.  Not to return until he comes to serve or visit in future years.  Gone will be his friends, favorite toys and everything he holds dear.  Please pray for him.  He may be independent but he is only three. 

Thank you for loving him and praying for him even before you all meet him!  He is a son of the Most High!  God has made him so very special and has a great plan for his life.  I am lucky enough to be a part of it.  

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are seeing answered prayers already. You'll be seeing those answers for years to come! I'm so happy for you all!
