"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

To pack or not to pack...

would like to say my obsessiveness of packing the perfect ensemble of things comes from my desire to be prepared.  But that wouldn't be accurate.  In all honesty, it comes from the fact that my packing is the one thing in this journey that I can control.  

So, with one thing in my control you would think I would be successful....right?  Nope.  Nada.  Not working so well.  

It's totally different for guys.  They pick three tshirts, a couple pair of shorts and their favorite shoes.  By chance they may throw in a golf shirt or maybe their favorite hat that has seen better days.  Done.  For me, things are quite different.  I must first start with shoes because limiting the number of shoes limits the outfits.  I mean only certain shoes/colors match certain outfits.  Then, there are the layers.  Certain sweaters or hoodies match certain outfits and must coordinate with the shoes too.  Oh and then there's the capri's because shorts could be too cool and jeans would be too hot.  Outfits must match capri's.  But take the shorts and jeans just in case. Oh no...there's rain the forecast.  That means a raincoat and there isn't a thing that matches a raincoat.  Seriously.  The shoes I had planned will not work in the rain.  

This is a momentous event!  That means pictures and lifelong memories.  We must look good.  Aim for perfect because I know I will fall well below that.  But, again there is that dreaded rule....no hair dryer or curling iron.  Seriously.  Wrong.  Just wrong.  

Well, if I can't do my hair then why wear a nice outfit.  That would just be silly.  Who wants to see this cute outfit with a mop of slightly straight and yet frizzy, wavy hair. Maybe I should just stick to a cute tshirt, hat and jean capris.  

Hey, maybe Todd had the right idea all along.  Didn't say that.  I just thought that would should kinda match in our appearance.  That's all.  

Don't stress out though.  This is only for the clothes.  I have a full 50 pound suitcase full of necessities packed.  Things they 'mentioned' we should bring.  Like snacks.  Like toys.  So what if we have less than 48 hours before we fly out again and I have snacks that would last a month!  That's not weird....that's being prepared.  It's like the toys I have packed. 10 kids could play all day for what I have in my bag. 

Oh...ya'll.  I'm so good with this control thing.  

Just wait until Todd comes home to see the dining room table. 

For those of you who only follow our journey via the blog let me explain.....we got the visa!!!!  We received it and booked our flights last night.  We fly out tomorrow and return on Saturday.  We will be arriving at the Delta International concorse flight #684 at 12:12pm.  All are welcome. 
Obviously, I am remaining quite calm through all of this.  😉

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