"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Daddy Time...

     Yesterday was a full day and we went to bed exhausted but with full hearts!  We spent almost the entire day with Oberson and then ended our day talking with Ashley and Travis via Facetime…..our hearts are full!  I was too tired to update. I wrote this blog this morning but didn’t get it uploaded before it was time to leave.  Now Oberson is with his nanny for lunch/napso I will update quickly to give you an idea of what happened yesterday and share some prayer requests for our prayer warriors out there! (Thank you to those praying….we need them and we feel them!  This is emotional which is exhausting and your prayers are greatly appreciated!)
     The orphanage is filled with women so Oberson has not had a lot of experience with men, especially white men.  It is common (and we expected) that the bonding with daddy would be more difficult.  It has proven to be the case with us.  Yesterday we began to concentrate on forming that relationship.  Todd has the patience needed and has been amazing with Oberson.  He just played and played with him, being very consistent yet not pushing throughout the day.  We took time away from all of the other children and went to a room with just the three of us for awhile.  Oberson let Todd hold him and we read books and played with toys.  He was able to see me yet allowed Todd to hold him (huge).  For the first part of the day he would come back to me every so often for reassurance but by the end of the day they would play and I could remain out of the way.  Todd still cannot kiss or hug him though as he pushes back and gets upset. It will come.  It is only day two.  Todd is longing to hold him though and aches to kiss him like I can.  That would be one of our main prayer wishes that you pray for their bond. 
     It was a wonderful day!  We played on the balcony for hours.  We went for a long walk on the roads surrounding the orphanage.  We pushed him in the swings, read books, played balls (his favorite) and cars.  This morning we have had a blow-up bouncy house out and it was a blast!  We had lots of fun and then he fell asleep on Todd!  Yay!  Progress!  God is SO good!    
     Please continue to pray for all of our bonding and for Ashley and Travis.  They are doing well but seemed a little on the sad side last night.  It’s getting real and we have a long time to go yet.  Thank you so much friends!  Your support is overwhelming!! We are overwhelmed….this whole process is amazing yet overwhelming too!  Love you all!

     I’ll leave you with some pictures so we can go see our SON!  : )

Don't you love the view from the balcony!