"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Friday, March 14, 2014

It’s beautiful and ugly at the same time….is that possible?

      Here I sit on a balcony on a beautiful sunny afternoon with the island breeze blowing the palm and banana trees all around us.  We can hear the children playing next door, the occasional horn blow, and rooster  but otherwise just the rustling of leaves blowing in the wind. The sun shines in abundance yet it isn’t hot or unbearably humid but comfortable and perfect.  I have a headache and I wondered why?  It seems to be perfect so why would I have a headache?  Could it be that while I sit here I am still surrounded by poverty? Could it be that on this mountain there are countless (countless) people that may not eat dinner tonight? It’s mindblowing. 
     That doesn’t even begin the touch the turmoil going on in my heart.  Oh my heart.  Todd and I began this week more in love with a little boy than I really thought possible.  Yes, we knew he was our son.  But how would we feel when we saw him that first time?  Those first few days?   What would our connection be like?  Let me tell you…..he has captured our hearts!  We have watched him grow and transform right in front of us and it is amazing.  Just these two weeks he has already begun to open up and trust us, he has started walking much better, gotten better with his fine motor skills and started making eye contact and physical contact with us. 
     So where does the ugly part of this story come in?  Being the analytical people that we are (haha) Todd and I had decided that these last few days with Oberson we were going to start to step back.  We were going to be ‘glorified play partners’ if you could call it that.  We wanted the transition for him to be easier.  A two week trip (required by the Haitian government) is new and seems like it could be incredibly hard on the children.  We have watched him come out of his shell and we don’t want to see him retreat back into it again for the next 7-9 months until we can bring him home.  But guess what?  That isn’t what Oberson had in mind!  : )  He has decided that he doesn’t like that plan!  He has opened up, trusted us more, sat in our laps, given us kisses/hugs and started talking all in these last two days.  Oh.My.Goodness!  Be still my soul!  First he started saying Hi and we were the excited new parents taking video and being all crazy.  Then he started giving a high 5.  (yep, same reaction).  Today he started saying ‘da-da’.  (you can only imagine!). 
     What do we do from here?  There’s no telling this sweet boy who has decided to open his heart that we are leaving.  There’s no explaining it to him.  He won’t understand.  Yes we know children are incredibly resilient and that he doesn’t understand time….but we do.  We will know every single day we are apart.  Oh my. 
     We have two hours with him this afternoon (Friday), 3.5 hours with him on Saturday and 1.5 hours with him on Sunday (starting to break down the time) and that will be the end of our time with him until we return to bring him home. 

     I’m starting to pull out the ugly cry every time I drop him off.  It’s not getting better.  The beauty around me isn’t helping.  How many times have I said “my God will carry me though” and “my journey is hard” well yes my journey is hard and I will be waiting but the journey is hard for our son too!  He has no choice and that is hard to accept.  Children in orphanages (even ones getting great care like ours) are still in orphanages.  Many are in situations much worse.  Jesus please take care of these babies when we cannot!!  Pray for us friends….we are surrounded by beauty but it’s getting ugly.