"We Hope For What We Do Not Have, We Wait For It Patiently!" ~ Romans 8:25

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Birthday Celebration....

Today (October 21st) is Oberson's birthday.  It was a bittersweet day with a miriad of emotions including the disapointment that he still isn't home all the way to a sweet surprise.  Our wonderful orphanage has once again allowed us to Skype with him!  The director made him a cake, had candles and brought him to her house to Skype with us!  We were able to sing "Happy Birthday", watch him stick his fingers in the icing and lick them clean, and just watch him enjoy this special day.  It wasn't long until he was ready to get down.  Then, he carefully carried the cake from her house to his house and sat down with his friends all around and shared.  It was so sweet!  He had one spoon and they would all take turns sharing.  It was sweet to see him with his friends and to hear their chatter.

Now, let's be real....this isn't a Norman Rockwell painting or anything.  It was wonderful but if you know me you know I enjoy the humor in things also.  This is our second time Skyping and we have yet to hear his voice or see his smile.  We heard the voices and talked/waved with his little friends but he just enjoyed his cake. : ) The cake sharing was hysterical....one bite for Oberson, one for a friend, one for Oberson, one for a friend!   heehee.  He did at least look at us more this time and begin to listen and look.  Todd wasn't some when they called and when he walked in the room, Oberson was all eyes.  He was definately looking for Todd!  And when we showed him the cake we made here to celebrate....he tried to grab it and was confused.  

Oh the emotions are high tonight.  I just want this to be over so we can get him home but at least we got to see those big eyes, sing and celebrate together.  

 Checking out his cake and enjoying the icing! 

Blowing out the candles. 

Sitting with his friends to share cake.  

Our family celebration.  

Our most recent picture (23 months).

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Special Day...

The first time I held Ashley in my arms on the day she as born, was probably the first time I truly understood unconditional love.  That day, my relationship with Jesus started to change.  I started to understand grace and a relationship instead of rules and a religion.  Looking into that precious face it started to become clear.  

We were praying for her salvation from the day we found out we were pregnant.  But as my relationship changed so did my prayers.  We prayed for her to have a relationship with Christ.  

In 2009, while Todd was on a mission trip in Haiti, I was standing with Ashley in church as we were doing the closing prayer.  I honestly don't think I heard the prayer as I was praying my own words.  Then, I felt this tug and saw her little arm go up in the air when the pastor asked if anyone had prayed the prayer of salvation.  With her being so little, no one even saw her raised arm....but I did.  And I believe the angels were already celebrating this changed life of a little girl.  As we talked that day to clarify that she understood her decision, so began a new season of prayers.  Praying that she will forever grow in her friendship with Jesus, understanding of His Word, hearing His voice and obeying His callings.  

Over these years she has taken classes at church and thought about baptism.  She prayed about it but it just never felt right.  She knew it was an act of obedience and not her salvation but it was being in front of everyone that scared her.  It was just recently that she began praying with earnest about her baptism.  We prayed along with her until one day she announced it was time.  

On Sunday, September 13th, 2015 our Ashley was baptized!  Our church had a barbeque luncheon after church, we sang hymns and the sun was brightly shining as our little girl was one of many baptized in Jesus' name.  Surrounded by friends, family, teachers and pastors she had received His peace and enjoyed her special day.  

There's something very special about watching your children obey our Heavenly Father and walk their own walk of faith.  I imagine it is like God watching over us.  

Want to see something sweet?  Remember how I said Ashley was surrounded by loving family and friends?  Look at the young lady in front, with sunglasses on and holding her hands to her face.....yes, that is Ashley's best friend (also pictured below).  I think Lila was as excited as Ashley.  They have a beautiful friendship! I can also see friends taking pictures 😀 and just smiling on her special day.  That is the Body of Christ in action!  

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Close...but not close enough

Yes...this was us tonight!!!
We were able to Skype with Oberson for the first time!!  : )  Can you hear me screaming?  I was a bundle of nerves kind of like when we went to Haiti to meet him but it was so fun!  

Of course, the crazy person that I am had the family all waiting with toys, pictures and books as we anxiously waited for the call.  Little Oberson had no idea what to think and this look was pretty much what we saw the most.  I ached to hear his voice but he kept it hidden today.  Crazy was this computer that was talking to him!!  lol!  He did get tickled a few times so we saw some laughs and smiles.  He looked at a book we sent with all of our pictures and seemed confused that we were in a book and yet on a screen.  Travis and Ashley played with balls and cars and he seemed to like that.  When we were there he was in love with soccer balls.  Now he pointed that he likes the car better than the ball.  With some coaxing he did give everyone a computer high five.  

And how did I handle this amazing moment?  My mind was a whirwind.  I couldn't think of a Creole word for anything. And to those that know me best....I cried before and after but not during!  Whahoo!   

We are still praying for signatures and that this process can get moving but for tonight we will celebrate seeing our precious boy with our own eyes! 

God tells us in his Word that He will give us more than we can imagine and tonight He did!  I never asked for this...I couldn't have imagined it!  Yet, when we need it most He provides.  He is ever faithful!  

Here are a few more shots from tonight.  
 A few smiles while getting tickled!  

  Looking at the picture album we sent.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Signature Update

Thank you to everyone who has called, emailed and checked in with us to see if we have received our needed signatures.  We have felt the love & support and appreciate it more than we can express!

Unfortunatley, we have not had any information and/or movement on our file at this point.  One of the individuals we need to sign our file is out of the country and they do not know when she will return.  Tomorrow marks 18 months since we left Haiti and had to say goodbye to Oberson.  

There really aren't words to explain my feelings at this point.  I have run out of ways to explain it to the kids why nothing has happened,  Our agency is saying that when we get these signatures we will have another 9-12 months of waiting to complete the rest of the steps.  That clock will not start ticking until we at least get these signatures.  

As always, we appreciate the support and even more so your prayers!  

I had not shared these pictures in a hope that they would accompany the announcement that we had movement....but I cannot wait any longer.  He is too precious not to share...

Monday, July 27, 2015

Prayer Warriors Needed!

Anyone willing to pray specifically this week?  We are waiting on four signatures to move us out of IBESR.  One of the people we need to sign his file will be off for the entire month of August!  Yes! We need to pray that she doesn't leave without signing our file!!  We were told two weeks ago that our file was in for final review and should be out in 2-3 weeks.  If it isn't signed before she leaves it will be Sept before anything else can be done.  Ugh!  I am SO ready to get our file out of IBESR so we can begin the steps to bring him home!!  Join us in prayer this week!  

1 Thessalonians 3:11 May our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus Christ clear the way for us to come to you!  

Friday, April 3, 2015

Oberson has moved...

        Oberson may not have moved into our home but he has moved into a new home recently.  He moved from the Main House at God's Littlest Angels Orphanage to their Fort Jacques location which is for older children.  Does that seem like a big deal?  Do you know what that means to him?  Let that sink in for a minute.  He left an amazing place where babies are loved on and cared for every day but is moving to a more home-like environment.  Fort Jacques is like an oasis for kids.  : )  They have these brightly painted cottage style homes where he lives with 10 other children and his nannies.  He has a bunk bed and is learning staying in a bed, sleeping in a home-like environment, sharing with his friends, eating at a table, potty training, having English classes, snack time  and so many normal family fun activities.  They have a beautiful school where the kids learn English, they have a huge cement play area for all kinds of bikes, scooters and any toy with wheels and then an amazing playground with slides and grass for the kids to play!  I so wish we could see him playing here and learning and growing.  When we were with him he was slow to ease into things yet when he warmed up and got involved he did so wholeheartedly and often with his own opinions.  He could easily go from hesitant to independent and then cautious  to mischievous .  I often felt I was on the rebound as he could flip faster than I could!  haha!  Can you imagine how many changes he is going through right now?  He has left the nannies he has grown up with, left his old home and moved to his new place.  We know this new place is (and will be) so much better but in the eyes of a two year old they don't always understand that at first!
        His pictures this month show him in a wagon.  They have puppies at the orphanage and the kids were allowed to hold the puppies for the pictures.  They said only a few kids weren't too thrilled of the puppies....Oberson was obviously one of those kids!  We laughed at the pictures!  Here are his true faces!  We saw this face a ton while with him.

WHAT?  A puppy?  Totally not sure about this!!!!  

A goldfish  to calm him down......

Finally a happy boy and a smile!  : )   But no puppy in sight!  haha!

We were able to send some small gifts down with another family visiting.  
Oberson enjoyed his musical microphone and is able to point out mama and papa in pictures.  

This is an amazing ariel view of GLA and the new location that Oberson has moved to.  You have heard us talk so much about the Main Baby house and how they have the state of the art health care facilities for babies.  Wait until you see what awaits the older children......
Can you just picture him here?  I wish I knew which color house was his!  : )  I wish I could see him riding on that middle level and sliding on a slide in the GRASS!  Oh my gracious...think of all the people that have provided and work DAILY so that he is cared for until he is home with his forever family.  I cannot imagine his life otherwise.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Dress with a Purpose

      At this time of year I would always have been thinking and planning of what we would be wearing and matching for our Easter outfits.  Putting way more emphasis on things that are not that important.  Don't get me wrong, dressing up and showing respect is not wrong in itself!  But this year we will be dressing with a much bigger purpose!  What if we LIVE SIMPLY so that others may SIMPLY LIVE?  'Forget the Frock' is a movement to buy a $25 tshirt instead of fancy Easter clothes and the money goes directly to orphans in Haiti!!  
       My friend Ginger Noel designed the tshirt (don't you just LOVE it?....I do!!)
Here are the details to order a shirt.  Feel free to share and wear proudly! 
$25 per shirt, add $2 for 2X & up
Sizes: Youth Medium and up available
Add $3 per shirt if shipping is required
Order deadline is March 23rd
T-shirt Pickup Party is evening of March 27th (more details soon)
Non-local T-shirt orders will be shipped on March 30th
Pay with check, cash, or PayPal (PayPal email address is jagnoel@att.net)
Must have your money before pickup or shipping

Remember: It isn't just a T-shirt.  When you purchase this T-shirt you;
1) Provide Orphan Care
2) Share the love of Jesus
3) Create awareness of the orphan epidemic and how our money could be spent helping others
4) Choose truth over tradition

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Hand of God

            For years now we have prayed for God to 'knit our hearts together' and for Him to bind us together in a way that only He can since we are living as a family countries apart.  Do you wonder what that really means?  Or do you roll your eyes and think that is just a bunch of words?  What does 'knit us together' really mean anyway  Our little guy still lives what seems like a world away so I can't say for sure but I got a glimpse of it the other day and I just had to share it with you!  God is so good....all the time!
            I have to give you the background to understand how it all comes together so be patient with me.
            When we went to Haiti last March to meet Oberson, I will completely admit I was a basket of nerves!  I was insecure in every way.  I felt like a new mother, felt like everyone was watching and evaluating me every minute and just felt like I was inadequate in every way.  By the second week I was relaxing and starting to be myself.  One big part of my life here at home is music.  Now let's be straight.....I can't sing!  You won't find me in any choir, praise team or anything like that.  You may find me singing in the car or having dance parties with the kids in the living room!  : )  Ever since they were little, they have loved music; in fact, I often carried them in my arms and danced around singing. Ok, back to Haiti. The balcony was such a wonderful place to play and had these amazing children, volunteers, toys and beautiful mountain views and breeze....yet it was void of music.  So, I brought my portable bluetooth speaker.  Todd found a place to hang it on the far side and I started playing my praise music.  I held Oberson and we started dancing and singing.  He was mesmerized.  Completely.  When on the ground he just stood there staring at the speaker.  That began our second week.  Sharing and comparing songs with the other volunteers but singing and dancing to songs while on the balcony.  To me, it was precious.  Did he dance...no.  Did I dance with him....when he let me hold him!  : )  But for me, it was a glimpse into what would come.  A home filled with music, singing and dancing!
             For the past 11 months we have prayed for knitting of our hearts together right.....
             Our update from the orphanage came today and here were some of the words we got:
Oberson loves dancing! He loves listening to the neighbors from the balcony when they play their music, and laughing when he dances!
            Really? He's recognizing music, stopping to dance and laughing?  (Do you see me crying here?) God is knitting our hearts together and binding us together in a time we cannot even be together!  He is preparing us all for the day when we will be united as one family!  He is bigger and better than we can ever imagine!
            For a glimpse into our hearts, here are a few pictures from our time with Oberson.  You can see him clutching the small black  speaker in the first two pictures.  For the family picture, we had a tri-pod set up with the speaker together to get him to look at the camera (sneaky but it worked!!).  (These pictures were actually taken on our last morning with him.  We had the whole balcony to ourselves and we had just precious time to sing, dance, pray and just play together before we had to say our final goodbye...enough about that.)  Obviously  these are from 11 months ago...

This next picture is from this month...our little Valentine!  Isn't he precious?!

 Psalm 68:6 (NIV) God sets the lonely in families...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

11 Months: The Honest (and hard to hear) truth

       It was 11 months ago today that we left Haiti and returned to Georgia.  The sound of his laugh and the feeling of his body in my arms is becoming a distant memory that I cling to every day.  It is something that I will never (ever) be able to get back again.  For even when we are reunited again, his laugh will have changed and he will have grown.  Gone is my baby boy that I held last March and in his place is a toddler boy I have yet to meet!  I stare at pictures and long for them to move and giggle so that I can begin to know this boy that is changing in front of me yet is out of my grasp!  This is so very hard!
I have seen so many of you out and about in stores and restaurants and you have been so kind and I have been so lacking in my written updates.  In the process, we are at the same place that we were when we flew out 11 months ago.  In these months we made one step forward only to make a step back to our starting point but none the less we are here again waiting on signatures once again.
Let's be honest and answer your most asked questions:
Is it hard?  Um...yes!  We had expected him to be home by Christmas of '14 so times have been difficult.  There are days I trust like I should, days I cry all day, and honestly, days that I am angry (no don't be like me...anger is not good but we are being honest here right?) Let me say it this way and see if it helps: think back to your child (or grandchild) one year ago...what were they like?  Imagine not seeing them for an entire year?  No facetime, No Skype. Just 12 pictures.  You see them growing up before your eyes yet you can't touch them or go to them. Your child!  How much did they change in that year?  How much did you miss?  That is how I feel.  An immense sadness over what we have missed out on this past year.  Is there a plan...Yes!  Do I trust God's plan...Yes!  Do I wish it was different...Yes!  I trust God's plan and I know He will work it all for his glory but oh I am just so sad for all of the things that we have missed out on this past year.  The things that only happen in a life of a 1-2 year old!
What are WE doing?  We get asked this question a lot (A LOT!)  Basically our hands our tied. We have contacted and talked to everyone that we can but there is nothing that we can do at this point.  The delay is on the Haitian government side (we are waiting for government signatures in a third world country...there is no pushing them)  therefore our government or senators cannot help at all.  There is no such thing as a private adoption so we have a Power of Attorney with our agency/creche which means we cannot even show up in-country on our own behalf at the government offices to 'check on the status' (it wouldn't go over well at all we are told).  We are also not allowed to contact the orphanage or visit him at all until the day we go to bring him home.
How are we handling it? Some days not very well if you must know the truth! I never realized how much of a control freak I was (my family says they have known all along!!)  This process really shows how out of control we are and how we (especially as American's....or maybe it was just me??) want and expect answers right away!  We pray for something and we want an answer in a few days, maybe a week at the most.  Good grief it is an issue if we have to wait a month for something!  Well, January marked three years in this process and we have many many months before we can even think about him coming home so this process has taught me a lot about waiting.  I have read (and talked with the kids) about Moses and other people in the bible about waiting. How long did they wait?  Was it easy?  Is adoption easy?  Is it supposed to be?  When we knew we wanted to adopt we didn't go into it with a list that said 'well, we'll do it if it takes one year and it is  super easy'.  Um, no!  No one does that!  Any more than someone says they will have a baby if labor takes 20 minutes with zero pain.  It isn't realistic.  Just like we wouldn't say we aren't parents anymore because our kid hit a kid at preschool, failed a test in middle school or stayed out all night in high school.  Parents are parents through the good and the bad.  You don't accept the good and give up during the bad.  So, to those that asked if we have given up on the adoption....Um...NO!
When will he be coming home? That is always the big question and the question we can't answer.  We still have many many steps ahead in the process and we really haven't started any of them.  We need to get signatures from Children's court (mayor & judge), IBESR, Civil court, Parquet, other offices and then visa's and passports printed.  If each step took one month (that would be very fast) we would at least 7 months but some of those steps take many weeks themselves so we are still looking at an undetermined amount of time.  Our family motto is "every day is a day closer to him coming home!".  We are choosing to focus on the positive and not the negative.  Let's pray through this current step and then we'll pray through the next one!
What can you do? Pray!  For us, Oberson and the orphanage!  While we sit here longing to hold, cuddle and play with him there is someone there that we pray is doing all of  that!  Pray for us as we long to do those things and pray for them as they do!  Pray for the hearts of our children that God would continue to bind them together through this separation.  Pray for our orphanage.  This is so difficult on them as well.  The delays in the process means fewer children go home, more children in their care and just a delay in the whole system.  They recently moved the older children to a new location.  It is beautiful!  We saw it before it was finished.  They had a very scary incident happen a few days ago but God's hand was upon them.  I'll include links for you to read their words.  Please pray for protection.
We appreciate your thoughts, prayers and words of encouragement!  And to those that have stopped and said things to me in stores I am very grateful.  If I cried .... I am sorry! :)  I have appreciated the hugs and support more than you know!

1 John 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

GLA update:

Molly's Update:  http://www.glahaiti.org/protected